Zhixuan Liu

I am a first year PhD student in the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, advised by Prof. Jean Oh and Dr. Ji Zhang at roBot Intelligence Group (BIG). I received a Master's degree in Robotics from CMU in 2024. Before joining CMU, I received my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and Engineering from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen in 2022.

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Zhixuan Liu CMU
Research Interests

My research interests lie in the area of robotics, generative models and computer vision.

SCoFT: Self-Contrastive Fine-Tuning for Equitable Image Generation
Zhixuan Liu, Peter Schaldenbrand, Beverley-Claire Okogwu, Wenxuan Peng, Youngsik Yun, Andrew Hundt, Jihie Kim, Jean Oh
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024
Paper / Project Page / Code

SCoFT leverages the model's intrinsic biases to refine itself, for the purpose of shifting away from misrepresentations of a culture and achieve equitable image generation.

Towards Equitable Representation in Text-to-Image Synthesis Models with the Cross-Cultural Understanding Benchmark (CCUB) Dataset
Zhixuan Liu*, Youeun Shin*, Beverley-Claire Okogwu, Youngsik Yun, Lia Coleman, Peter Schaldenbrand, Jihie Kim, Jean Oh
AAAI workshop on Creative AI Across Modalities, 2023
Paper / Code

Fine-tuning the the text-to-image generative model (Stable Diffusion) and LLM (GPT-3) using our CCUB dataset to achieve culturally-aware text-to-image synthesis.

StyleCLIPDraw: Coupling Content and Style in Text-to-Drawing Translation
Peter Schaldenbrand, Zhixuan Liu, Jean Oh
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2022
NeurIPS Workshop on Machine Learning for Creativity and Design, 2021 (Oral)
Paper / Oral Presentation / Code / Demo / What's AI on YouTube

StyleCLIPDraw is a text-to-drawing synthesis model with artistic control via a given style image and content control via a language description.

Towards Real-Time Text2Video via CLIP-Guided, Pixel-Level Optimization
Peter Schaldenbrand, Zhixuan Liu, Jean Oh
NeurIPS Workshop on Machine Learning for Creativity and Design, 2022
Paper / Project Page / Demo / Code

An approach to generating videos in real-time based on a series of given language descriptions.

SongBot: An Interactive Music Generation Robotic System for Non-musicians Learning from a Song
Kaiwen Xue, Zhixuan Liu, Jiaying Li, Xiaoqiang Ji, Huihuan Qian
IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics (RCAR), 2021
Paper / Video

SongBot is an interactive music generation system for the non-musician learners to get inspired from a song.

Professional Service and Teaching
Teaching Assistant
  • PHY1001 Mechanics, 2019 Fall, CUHKSZ
  • CSC3002 Programming Paradigms, 2021 Fall, CUHKSZ
  • CSC4008 Techniques for Data Mining, 2022 Spring, CUHKSZ
  • Selected Awards and Honors
  • [2022] Presidential Award for Outstanding Graduates (Top 1%), CUHKSZ
  • [2019-2022] Academic Performance Scholarship, School of Data Science, CUHKSZ
  • [2019-2022] Dean's List, School of Data Science, CUHKSZ
  • [2018] University Entrance Half Scholarship, CUHKSZ

  • Template from Jon Barron. Last updated in Sep 2024.